Rehan Guha Author - ML Researcher To talk about myself is a bit of a challenge for me as I am more comfortable while talking about my work and discussing about Philosophy & Science.


Let me begin by providing a simple overview of my professional endeavors. As a Senior Machine Learning Researcher and Lead Data Scientist, I possess a diverse skill set that encompasses both technical and managerial expertise. Currently, I am employed by a core product-based company, where I actively contribute to and manage several crucial ML projects that are directly linked with company revenue. These projects primarily revolve around Optimization Problems, Gen AI, Explainable AI, Deep Learning, Imbalance Classification, and other related areas. Additionally, I have authored the book "Machine Learning Cookbook with Python," published by BPB Publications, and have made significant contributions to the field through publications, patents, and participation in prestigious events such as the CPS Challenge 2020 funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and sponsored by NASA. Furthermore, I have conducted workshops and seminars for various universities, sharing my knowledge and expertise in this research domain, while also contributing to Open Source Software initiatives like a contribution for Google Tensorflow Addons.


Machine Learning Cookbook with Python

A Cookbook that will help you implement Machine Learning algorithms and techniques by building real-world projects

Buy!! Link

Multilevel Database Model -A form of Secured stored password

This paper dealt with database architecture for storing password.


GRID SEARCHING -Novel way of Searching 2D Array

Linear/Sequential searching is the basic search algorithm used in data structures.

GitHub Link

Dataset: Prime Numbers - First 1Lac

Contains 1000 files with 100 prime numbers in each file

GitHub Link



BRISQUE is a no-reference image quality score.


RPX Corporation -Machine Learning Project (Client Project)

Pramati Technologies
7 months

Financial Service Development Project (Quartz Development)

18 months

Self Learning Credit Approval System

3 months

AI Model Based Risk Management

4 months

Ship and Air Cargo Routing

2 months

Digital Content and Transaction Management using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Communication System

3 months

Routing System for Car Pool and Drop for the Employees

3 months



Jul 2021 -

Lead Data Scientist & Data Science Technical Manager @

Oct 2019 - Jun 2021

Senior Researcher (ML) @
Pramati Technologies

Oct 2018 - Sep 2019

Researcher (ML) @
Pramati Technologies

Jan 2017 - Sep 2018

Associate Software Engineer @

Aug 2015 - Feb 2016

Web Developer & SEO Professional @